If you have a pulse and can read this sentence, you might be a political animal.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Peter Schiff versus a populist from Michigan

Be it resolved that no federal money should go towards bailing out failing automakers. There's a couple funny parts about these clips. I like the mayor's blank response to the first question (must have been technical difficulties or something). I then chuckle when Schiff realizes his good fortune on the first question.

I think the callers who call in to the show are funny. The whole cable news medium is really quite annoying, especially when they throw hapless non-intellectuals into the middle of a conversation like this.

What I really found funny, other than Schiff's normal quirky facial expressions and polemic style, was a quick line from Schiff in the second part. The host is mentioning how auto executives are accepting $1 per year salary when Schiff chimes in off camera, "They're overpaid."

Part 1

Part 2

Sorry about the Matrix stuff at the intro and ending... The Matrix is cool and all. At least the first movie was. But I don't like seeing it used to score cheap philosophical points.

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